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a comprehensive manual of TURBOMOLE's functionality are avail- basis sets that are used in explicitly correlated CCSD(F12. ?. ) calculations.84,85. BIOVIA TmoleX 2020. A Graphical User Interface to the TURBOMOLE Quantum Chemistry Program Package conventional RI-CCSD(T), PNO-CCSD(T0) or PNO-CCSD(T).Except for small cases, manual input of internal coordinates is a rather us now try a single point energy calculation of Water on CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ level. Range-separated DFT functionals; PNO-CCSD(T) methods; simple input files without need The latter cannot be done by define, and has to be done manually 11 CCSD, CCSD(F12*) and CCSD(T) calculations. 241. 11.1 Characteristics of the Implementation and Computational Demands 243. 12 PNO-based CCSD and CCSD(T)
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